July 30, 2019

NOT FAKE NEWS: First came FaceApp: Now comes EarthApp

Words by Matt Leedham

In a bid to highlight the climate crisis, Greenpeace Russia has launched an EarthApp campaign to leverage the trending FaceApp wave.

In what is a clever piece of creative trickery, Greenpeace Russia and advertising agency Isobar Moscow have launched an EarthApp campaign on Instagram, utilising the growing #FaceApp trend to highlight the effects of climate change.

The sole objective of the campaign is to draw attention to a real-world problem: the climate crisis and the devastating effects it will have on our planet for all of us.

Swipe right on this Insta pic below to see how it works.

What’s the challenge?

“Scientists agreed long ago that human actions are to blame for modern climate change. Humanity burns coal, oil and gas, that leads to the release of greenhouse gases. With these uncontrolled bursts, we’ve turned the atmosphere into a trash yard. Its thin balance is broken, and the climate that was good for living has become hostile to us and all forms of life around us. We need to spread the word that humanity is on the brink of catastrophe. And that change may come only if we stop acting like there’s no tomorrow”.

Polina Karkina, Greenpeace Russia’s coordinator for climate and energy

What’s the solution?

Diana Volkova, creative director from Isobar Moscow said: “Climate change gets harder and harder to ignore: we see how the weather changes, how ecosystems more become unstable.

So when users post their ‘aged’ faces, a question appears: what is going to be around us at that moment? How will the world have changed when we look like our aged portrait from FaceApp?”

“We’ve tried to show answers to these questions in our posts, to raise awareness and call to action against climate change. We don’t have that much time, but we still have it. Time to act now!”

EarthApp: Don’t wait to see how the earth gets old” 

What will the positive impact be?

Educating people and empowering them to bring awareness and take action against the climate crisis isn’t getting any easier with apathy and sceptics towards the topic rife.

Anything that influences even a small number of people to change their mindsets and behaviour is a positive step towards change.

The first EarthApp post (as pictured above) featured St Petersburg flooded with water from the Neva River. It attracted a huge amount of attention on Instagram and among influencers who shared the post with their followers.

If you like this campaign and would like to support Greenpeace and its new oil initiative, you can sign their petition here.

How can you travel to change the world?

Congratulations! By reading this post and taking some of these insights on board, you’ve already made a difference.

Now you can easily create your impact by sharing your new-found knowledge with other friends who you think would also be interested.

Ultimately, responsible travel comes down to common sense – stay curious, keep yourself up-to-date with the challenges at hand and make yourself accountable for your actions on your travels.
